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Be your own Valentine

I'm sure it hasn't escaped anyone that this week we've got Valentine's Day, a day that fills some people with dread and others with joy.

The thing about Valentine's day is that it tends to be very commercial and mostly about giving things to others, but you might not be in a relationship, or you might not want to spend anything and if you're anything like me, you probably do things for others most days of the year anyway to show gratitude.

I much prefer the Swedish name of the day - All Hearts Day because it means you appreciate everyone and anyone, including and very importantly YOURSELF. That doesn't mean that you have to spend anything as a 'treat' for yourself, it could just be that on this day your time is truly yours.

It might be a real treat to do something as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee without running around tidying up at the same time, or reading a book without answering the phone when it rings - not because you don't have time but because you choose not to, or you might even say no thank you to an invitation to something that isn't really what you want to do.

We're so conditioned to multi-task, it's almost as if the more we have to do the more succesful we are considered by society, that it might take some discipline - but to treasure your own time, on your terms and make room for small things that make you feel relaxed and harmonious, isn't selfish or self indulgent, it's an essential life skill and a great Valentines gift to yourself!

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