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From Gym Bunny to Pilates Pro - Hopping From Pain to Strong Again

Once upon what feels like a very long time ago, I would definitely have called myself a 'gym bunny', hopping from one workout machine to another with fervor - it was an essential part of my everyday routine! I loved getting stronger and stronger, and lifting heavier and heavier for longer... and yes you guessed it - longer.

At some point in those 'gym bunny' days, I started to get an unexpected sore neck and upper back and it's safe to say that my hopping from machine to machine became less vigorous and more like the trudge of a caveman with a bad chiropractor. Like a true warrior, I soldiered on, but my discomfort got worse and instead of feeling fit and strong I felt like a contestant on a medieval torture show.

I had to get some help from an osteopath, who told me that it was really my weight training that caused the problems I was experiencing. The treatments worked temporarily but as soon as I was back with my weights, the pain came back. As much as I hated to admit it I had to hit the pause button on my 'gym bunny' days for a bit, but only a skip and a hop away there were Pilates classes and I very unexpectedly found myself there only a few days after my forced break.

I knew absolutely nothing about Pilates and really only came along to keep a friend company, and this decision would change not only my fitness journey, but also my life - forever. It was a stark contrast to what I was used to - from heavy metal (literally) to the gentle hum of my own breath, but it was most definitely love at first sight. I just clicked with Pilates and its principles of moving with control, precision and intention.

Now, I just want to be VERY clear that I am definitely not saying that you shouldn't do weight lifting, it's very beneficial to any wellness practice, especially as you get older. I am also NOT claiming that weight lifting caused the pain I had. Nope, not at all - the problem was my bad technique. Once I realised that I could apply the same Pilates principles of control, precision and intention to my gym practice (or in fact absolutely anything in life), my upper back issues resolved themselves without any further visits to the osteopath.

Pilates principles are the yin to your yang regardless of what your favourite activity is - cycling, gardening, walking, golfing, horseriding or weightlifting. So think about your joints, stay aligned, engage your core as and when it's required and move with intention and mindfulness. This will give you longevity on your fitness journey - which after all is a balance between both strength and flexibility.

Your back will thank you, in fact your whole body will thank you, and most importantly, your future self will thank you!

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