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Writer's pictureCharlotte MacDonald-Gaunt

5 more please...

It is a well known fact that when a Pilates teacher says: 'Let's do 5 more' - it's a lie... I know it, you know it and you probably even anticipate it. We all get the counting wrong all the time, to the extent you might think that being bad at counting is a requirement to get qualified as a teacher! We honestly don't do it to annoy you and often it is because we're busy observing your movements in front ot us but there can be other reasons too.

I have even heard of classes where the counting doesn't actually start until the movement is performed by everyone in the most optimal way. So if counting seems to be done randomly, why do it at all?

Well, having a number of repetitions to do can keep you present and focused on the specific movement, it can help to avoid overworking joints or muscles and particularly with challenging movements - it can also be soothing for the mind to know that the finishing line is in sight.

Now, full transparency - I don't teach that way for a few reasons. For instance, some say that it's important to follow a set number of repetitions to build muscle memory, and while that may be correct, I believe there is great value in the mind-body connection. To not just mechanically move a limb 10 times, but to be 100% aware and mindful of what's moving, how it's moving and how it makes you feel, and what you experience so you can modify if needed for a positive experience, and this will be different for everyone. Quality rather than quantity.

So the next time you're doing varying (not endless...) repetitions, it might not just make you curse your Pilates teacher, but give you a better balance and experience after all.

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